aritu...saye webcam ngn mummy n abah saye...sambil2 diorg tgk tv..biase la..rndu..hehe..kami borak2..dan mengumpat dgn mummy..mengumpat psl kwn2 saye..mummy saye mmg suke mengumpat.terutame bab boyfriend diorg..hehe..
pastu abah saye tny..
"blaja cne?result aritu cne?"...
anakanda beliau yg comey ini pon menjawab...
"result tkde la best..biase2 sangkut mane2.cgpa pon cukup2 lepas je"..
my abah pon jwb..
"ooo.tkpela tu..alhamdulillah.."
then saye pon mengadu kt abah..
"abah,blaja makin susah...huhu..susah...susah...susah....dh tk larat nk blaja"..
berulang kali aku cakap camtu kt abah...
then abah pon membalas dengan muke selambe n cool...
"kalau ko nk blaja senang,ko berenti blaja,balik umah dan jadi HA ke,cikgu ke macam abah,nak?"...
erk...terdiam la aku dan terkebil-kebil di depan laptop itu...haha...amek ko..kan dh kene tu..
tiap kali aku kal umah,mesti parents tny bile nk blk..bukan aku tknk TAKLEH balik...cuti sem aritu aku spend buat short sem.lepas ni klau de cuti pon stkt 3-4 la sempat nk fly balik umah.terpakse la menunggu buln 8 nanti....
sakit gigi..
Posted by
on Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Comments: (2)
org kate sakit gigi adlh sakit yg plg teruk slps sakit bersalin..aku tk tau yg aku tau aku mmg sakit gigi skrg!! siyes aritu aku terpikir yg aku dh lme tk skt..haa...skali amek ko....tuhan bg sakit yg sakit tkleh nk ckp..gigi geraham bongsu aku @ 3rd molar br nk tumbuh..yg belah kiri..sakit woooo...aku tdo smpai termimpi-mimpi aku sakit gigi..lepas bgn tdo mmg amat terase bengkak...dan lepas tu aku amik ponstan nk kurangkn sakit...nasib bek berkesan...esok hari tk tau la cne..lepas dpt free consult ngn cik mars @ bakal dentist yg berjaye dan cun melecun,beliau advice aku g hospital bt rontgen..klau esok still bengkak n sakit,aku akn pegi hospital..sakit gigi sgt menyeksakan...nk mkn pon sush...aishhh....BTW,thanx mars for the really helps me.. =)
Posted by
on Friday, March 5, 2010
Comments: (1)
i try to be friend to u
like we were before
but obviously your answer is no
and i dont know why this bother me a lot
since you are nobody to me
but you know is fine to me
doesnt give any trouble to me at all
maybe you just a coward
who is scared to your own girlfriend
i dont have any intention to ruin other people's relationship
just want to say "hi" to people that used to be my friend
but......never mind
dont misunderstood me..
i have nothing to say to you
just wishing you the best of luck in your life
i dont have any regret of you not being my friend
and lastly, just want to thank you for being part of my life before
i try to be friend to u
like we were before
but obviously your answer is no
and i dont know why this bother me a lot
since you are nobody to me
but you know is fine to me
doesnt give any trouble to me at all
maybe you just a coward
who is scared to your own girlfriend
i dont have any intention to ruin other people's relationship
just want to say "hi" to people that used to be my friend
but......never mind
dont misunderstood me..
i have nothing to say to you
just wishing you the best of luck in your life
i dont have any regret of you not being my friend
and lastly, just want to thank you for being part of my life before
it is 1.15 am and i still cant sleep...
Posted by
on Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Comments: (2)
tkleh tdo....tkleh lagi satu masalah yg melanda aku....circadian rythm ak dh berubah...mungkin sbb oliday..aku tkleh tdo...skrg dh nk dkt kul satu WIB.waktu mesia dh kul still tkleh satu lg habit aku.klau tkleh tdo,aku g kre la kul bpe..2 ari lps aku duk ngadap laptop...dh rse bosan,aku g kemas blk..dh abis syok kemas blk,aku tgk!!dh kul 2.45 pg!!ape ke gle kul 2 lbh duk kemas lain duk syok tdo.dn lepas tu terpakse la g mndi sbb bdn berpeluh.tkkn la nk tdo ngn bdn busuk...n satu lg hal..dh duk ats katil..get ready nk tdo,tp tkleh tdo...kpale duk pkr hal2 negatif..duk pkr mslh..mslh ape,aku pon tk tau..biasenye aku amik mse sejam nk tdo...dn mungkin lebih.lastly,tertidur gak aku....kdg2 tdur kosong.tkde sejak akhir2 ni,aku byk bermimpi...dn kdg2 aku bleh mimpi smpai lime cte dlm satu tdo..dn sume adlh hal yg mmg btol2 aku tktkn dlm real life aku....afta bgn,mula2 aku tk igt ape yg aku mimpi..tgh mandi,duk berkhayal br aku mule igt aku yg aku mimpi td...cne la aku tk stress klau tiap2 mlm camni....itu br hal msk hal MAKAN lg..aku jenis cept lpr...dn skrg aku pon tgh lpr klau aku mkn,aku mkn tkleh abis...walaupon aku tau knape..ptg td aku lpr,then g la bt mkn suku je..da rest aku buang..aku try nk abiskn tp tkleh...mlm plak aku mkn nasi...mmg aku lpr tkleh abis...dn aku tinggal nasi camtu aku lpr...aku tk tau mslh die ape...aku tk puas dgn mknn aku....b4 this aku try mkn nasi,br skit tp aku dh mula rs de angin dlm.aku rs geram sbb aku lpr..mkn meehun pon tkleh..kene stop dulu br sambung mkn blk..tu pon perut dh mule meragam..aish...ape la nk jd....aku lpr tp aku tkleh makan..lain la aku tk lpr dn aku tk mkn...ade spe2 bleh jelaskn ape pnykt aku sbnrnye?depress??stress??masalah kejiwaan??dn disebabkn sume2 ni la aku sgt2 nk blk umah..nk detoksifikasi sume2 MASALAH n RACUN yg aku dpt slame aku duk tkleh.....mmg aku de byk mslh sejak akhir2 ni..dn aku sndiri pon tkleh nk list down pe mslh aku.sume berterabur..serabut serabai.otak aku dh short cicuit.dn skrg aku tkleh tdo..dn aku br je lps mndi td..dada aku dh skt sbb sejuk sgt.adeh...cne la nk bt ni...
*de org ckp blog n fb sy slalu berunsurkan emotional problem...adekah btol itu??
*dn de org ckp mate sy bsr n bolat..tang mn yg besarnye.aku rs kecik je.
*de org ckp blog n fb sy slalu berunsurkan emotional problem...adekah btol itu??
*dn de org ckp mate sy bsr n bolat..tang mn yg besarnye.aku rs kecik je.
About Me
- farahanim
- not much to say.just an ordinary person..trying to finish my study here in jakarta..and always miss my home in kota bharu so much...T_T
my thought....
'what seperates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each twist of fate'
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Daftar Harga Hp Asus Terbaru 201510 years ago
Mengidam satay ikan......13 years ago
Rojak!15 years ago
Parents tak reti jaga anak?7 years ago
Cozuma CC Cream8 years ago
bersyukurlah..12 years ago
Jaclyn, Ning Baizura & Shila - Seribu Sesalan13 years ago
Jahat !!! Jahanam!!14 years ago
... happy, happy, happy ...15 years ago